Tis the season to be jolly

Fa la la la la, la la la la...

First time in a while where I've been single for Christmas. Must say it's a raw feeling to have. I thought I'd be used to this whole singledom by now, but I'm still adjusting. But being surrounded by friends and family does make it feel a lot better, and I do feel loved by those around me.

There's something about holidays that, even though it physicallly isn't anything different to any other day of the year, mentally and emotionally there is a certain hype or expectation that it has to be "special". In a sense it's a special day because it's a specific day to spend with loved ones, but what I'm trying to say is that it shouldn't have to wait to be a "special" day for us to give presents and say that you love and care for them. It should happen more often throughout the year... But, you know, lifestyle, work, busy-ness, blah blah blah prevents that from happening at times.

I guess from this thought I'm going to try and make more of an effort to spend time with family next year. I know this year I've been a bit slack, and not seeing my parents and little brother as often as I should. I try to do it weekly, but sometimes I miss a couple of weekends here and there due to commitments or laziness.... But yah, I know family will always be there for me, no matter what, and I should take the time to appreciate them and be there to show I care as well.

And with special holidays come family traditions, one of them is going to my Grandma's and having a family bbq. Caught up with cousins, aunts and uncles that I haven't seen since Easter. I have family that live in Dubbo, and they come up to Sydney every Christmas and Easter to see us. They happen to be my favourite aunt and uncle Linh and Nhan, and have 4 kids (I may have mentioned this before) - Nathan, Trudy, Coorey and the new addition (who was baptised earlier this year at Easter) Celyna. And she is sooooo cute! My aunt is totally in love.

Then I was to Gee's place for her birthday - Happy Birthday Gee!!! She turned 24 on the 24th, and had a red themed party. She was lovely to cook for us a dinner, and served sangria as part of the red theme. She also made this awesome icecream, and oh my was it diabetes central but oh so good!

And the traditional Midnight Mass. For me it's a family tradition to always go. I managed to stay awake (thanks to the awesomeness of computer midi music), and it was lovely to be back to my old parish and be recognised still, and caught up with a couple of old friends in the meantime. I kinda miss the church community, however I don't quite miss the ritual of going to church... Quite like my sleep ins on Sunday, thanks. :D

Followed by the opening of pressies - Dad and Tony liked their presents from me. Got Dad a Saba collared buttoned shirt in a steel grey colour, short sleeved for summer, from the David Jones sale in the city. He really really liked it, and Mum was impressed just by the label (sigh). Tony really loved his Chaser Annual book that was signed especially for him (the Chaser guys were at Broadway and I took advantage of that). He also got a shirt that I bought from the Finders Keepers market, which he appreciated, but not as much as the autographed Chaser Annual.

But Mum however, she didn't like the shoes I bought her. They were really pretty black heels, but Mum doesn't wear heels anymore. And the first thing she says when she opened her present was "Oh how extremely tall is this! I can't wear this, I'll trip over and die!". You see - she's shorter than me, and for my whole entire life I've known her to wear heels. But this year, she's gone crazy, and decided NOT to wear heels the ONE year I buy her shoes for Christmas. It is another example of how I cannot win when it comes buying presents for Mum - it's never up to her standard. She will always find something to complain about, even if it was something she requested. Sometimes I wish I never bothered with it, but hey - she gave it back to me and the great thing about that is that we have the same size feet. So I have scored myself some awesome pair of shoes, and glad I like it too...

Anyways - shall no longer bore you with my Christmas Day... Safe holidays everyone, and remember not to always wait until Christmas to show that you love and care for someone. :D


comments: 3

I can now add Bachelor of Music to my name. :D Finally, after 6/7 years, I have a frigging degree.

So... now what? I have no idea. Let's see what 2010 has to offer. :P