So when I was at the petrol station to refuel my car, I walked past the chips aisle which had 2 packets of 90g Red Rock Deli Chips for $5. Since I was a bit hungry, I did a very compulsive thing and bought the Honey Soy Chicken and Sea Salt flavours.
I thought maybe I won't eat dinner, seeing as I chowed through the Honey Soy one pretty quickly on the drive home. I was feeling gluttonous and started on the Sea Salt when I caught something that I thought was misleading.
First of all it said "75% less saturated fat". 75% less than what? Other chips with saturated fat? Didn't quite explain.
But the second one that really irked me was that it said it was "7% of your daily intake per serve". And I was like - woohoo! Only 7%!!! Then I thought - I'll check how many servings the package has. And lo and behold, each package had an estimated 3.2 servings.
I didn't eat all of Sea Salt, and I actually threw it out, but I think I had approximately 4 servings of chips. That means I just had 28-30% of my recommended daily intake. That was like a whole meal. And I totally am not that full from it. I do however feel a bit sick after finding out...
So even though I would eat them anyway because they taste good, they don't have to make us feel good about it. We KNOW what tastes that good is not going to be healthy.
I guess the moral of this story is always read the fine print - nothing is ever as good as it sounds. :D
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