Wore my lego necklace. It's red in a heart shape, with a yellow cross in the middle. I bought it the same time Georgina bought her Scrabble "G" ring at Glebe Markets.
Bought the new Regina Spektor and La Roux abulms. I heard Laroux the other night when I went to go Laser Tag at Darling Harbour with a couple of friends, and I was told off for not knowing La Roux... And Regina Spektor's music is featured in the movie I saw, which was -
500 Days of Summer. It was an awesome movie, and I fell in love with Joseph Gordon-Levitt all over again. Zooey Deschanel is also very very cute and pretty. But it kinda proved my theory that you don't really move on from someone until you meet a particular someone else.
We went to Dendy Newtown to see the movie, and they allow alcohol in the theatre. I had a glass of red wine, and I left it in the drink holder in between the seats. My friend Kim and I were talking about something and he accidentally knocked my wine over into my seat and onto my clothes... So he nicely bought me another one. So you think I'd be thinking "Yay! 1 and a half drinks! Woohoo!!!" and that I'd be uber careful with the 2nd drink, but no, I knocked that one too JUST before the movie starts, and I missed the first couple of minutes of the movie (came in during the opening credits). So I spilt 2 glasses of red wine, which ended up being equivalent to just the one after spillage, but by golly goash did I feel like a klutz.
Thanks to Rosie, I had a Jam Donut. At first I thought she was talking about the actual donut, until she mentioned the word "shot" in the same sentence. And it was totally sweet, and quite nice!
Had a couple of Deep and Meaningfuls...
Gambled two dollars on the Pokies at Bar Broadway. The most I won was like 50 cents which I gambled away anyways.
Mixed my drinks. I had red wine, champagne and vodka. I'm surprisingly all okay.
Found some Zoolander magnets that my housemate had on the fridge, and it prompted a 3am session of the movie. Lots of Blue Steel...
And finally - ya mama.
New web-goddess theme!
3 months ago
comments: 2
How fantastic was 500 days of Summer. I really enjoyed the movie cringe-worthy as it was (in sympathy pain with the lead character).
I loved the use of Architecture too. Was one of my film festival favourites.
Hey Hey! The necklace & ring were bought from my stall at Glebe Markets - thank you so much for your support! If you want updates & offers please add me at myspace.com/belladeux or on facebook - search for Bella Deux! Thanks so much, Bella :)
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