So the charts show the amount of responses to each question, such as 35 people clicked on a) for Question 1. It's not the percentage, as for some questions I allowed it to be more than one available answer.
Stupidly, though, I suspended the paid account without copy and pasting the answers to the "others" for the questions I allowed "others" for... I remember some responses, but unfortunately I won't be able to access them unless I pay again. Although, I did print out the answers to me that were the most important, which were the answers to questions 15 and 16, so that's okay... :D
If you can't see the numbers properly, just click on the image, and the image should enlarge.
*Drumroll* And here are the responses!!!
Question 1: What size yarn do you mostly use?

b) Sock Yarn
c) 8/10 Ply
d) Bulky 12/14 ply
Question 2: What would you prefer to see more of?

b) Organic products
c) Overseas products, such as Rowan, Cascade, Malabrigo, Habu, Jitterbug, etc
d) Australian products such as Cleckheaton, Patons
e) Other
Question 3: Would you also like to see the following fibre crafts available in store?

b) Spinning
c) Dyeing
d) Crochet
e) Other
Question 4: Would you or anyone you know of attend any of the following workshops if they were made available?

b) Dyeing
c) Finishing techniques
d) Crochet
e) Sock knitting
f) Lace knitting
g) Kids school holiday workshops
h) Other
Question 5: What aspects of a knitting store would you consider very important?

b) A well-presented store, with bright lights and easy access
c) Affordable prices - if it's too expensive I may go elsewhere
d) A great range in both colours and products
e) Other
Question 6: If there is a courtyard at the back, would you utilise it?

b) No not really, I like knitting in private at home.
c) Maybe, depends on who's there - do I have to buy something?
Question 7: If there is a courtyard, I shall make it available for functions if you would like to host a tea party or a knitting/fibre party. Would you consider it for your next birthday/event?

b) Maybe... Depends on how much it will cost.
c)No, not really.
Question 8: I'm hoping to include a cafe. Are you mostly:

b) A tea drinker
c) An ice chocolate/milkshake drinker
d) A soft drinker
e) Water's fine for me, thanks.
Question 9: I'm also hoping to have a cafe for people who don't knit (but maybe have loved ones that do!). What type of cafe would you prefer?

b) Baked goods and sweets - cakes, cupcakes, cookies, chocolates, pastries
c) One that just does good coffee and other beverages, no need for food
d) A combination of all of the above, but a selection of each
e) Other
Question 10: What time would you most likely come and visit the store?

b) Lunchtime/early afternoon
c) Late afternoon - after 3pm
d) Evening - 5-7pm
e) Mostly weekends
Question 11: I would like to provide internet access so that knitters and other fibre enthusiasts can do their research. Which medium would you like?

b) A computer or two on the premises
c) Both!
Question 12: What would you prefer to do in terms of pattern books and instructionals?

b) Just have a huge range to choose from, I like to have my own books
c) Have a service where you can order books in when requested to be purchased
d) Don't really need it - I buy heaps online which tends to be cheaper anyhow
Question 13: Of course, location is very important. What would make you think twice before coming to visit the store?

b) Paid parking or difficulty in finding parking
c) No parking
Question 14: I envision this place to be not only somewhere you can buy knitting goods and other fibre goodies, but also a space to be creative. Would you come just to knit/spin/crochet/dye if I make facilities available? Of course, no pressure to purchase anything.

b) Yes, if the furniture is very comfy.
c) Yes, I'll use it as a meeting place to meet up with friends.
d) Yes, if it is kid and pet friendly.
e) No, I don't want to impose or have that pressure to purchase anything.
f) No.
g) Other.
Question 15 was Do you think knitting is just a current fad, or do you think it'll stick around for at least 3-5 years? and pretty much all of you said "No, it's going to stick around for sure". Some of you made the point that it'll wax and wane in popularity, but it'll definitely be around.
Question 16 was Do you have any requests, suggestions or ideas to keep in mind if this grand plan of a knitting store combined with cafe happens?. I had a lot of well wishes and good lucks, and a couple of good suggestions such as a really good website for online purchasing (which I thought would be a given), disabled access (which sometimes businesses seem to forget) and stocking Madelinetosh! I had funny ones, such as "No feathers ;) We will all lose respect", and even though I've knitted feathers ONLY ONCE (and it was for my mum - she chose the yarn), rest assured that I will vow not to stock feathers in my knitting store. :D
So I got a bit of insight as to what people would like, and whether Sydney (or even Australian) knitters were on the same wavelength as me in terms of what is wanted in a yarn store. But please note, this is research for an idea... Can't promise anything, and if anything does happen, it probably won't happen as soon as I hope (which is at least 1.5-2 years)...
comments: 2
Thank you, I was very concerned about the position on feathers!
(I confess that comment was mine)
Hihihihi you're a funny one, Sharre. :D
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