In terms of buying things, I also bought more things such as a Ravelry Project bag that I've been using since it landed in my hands thanks to Kris
And I've started quite a few projects here and there... One of my friends requested a beer cozy for a long neck after I told him that I bought hemp yarn from a yarn store and haven't quite decided what I should knit with it...
It really shouldn't take long, but I discovered that this hemp yarn is in fact quite course and it hurts the fingers after a while, which kinda slows down the process.
I also started on a feather and fan scarf for my boss Rachel, who's birthday was actually 2-3 weeks ago at the end of February... Has a few mistakes, but hopefully she doesn't notice!
I was inspired by the people knitting at the M&S Stitch and Bitch sessions to knit a pair of socks. My first attempt failed BADLY because I decided to start with a fairly tricky cable pattern which enabled me to make heaps of mistakes after I thought it would be fine. So I decided to do a simple toe-up stocking stitch pattern, and I'm also hoping that it'll be knee-length - depends if the yardage of this yarn allows...
And one night I remembered that my aunt in Dubbo is pregnant, so I thought I would knit my new cousin a little jumper. She's apparently going to be born around Easter time, or probably even now... I should give her a call soon. But I did this all in 2-3 hours about a month ago, and haven't touched it since...
And Daddy's birthday was a good month and a half ago, yet I still haven't finished the first piece! It's the back I'm currently doing, so hopefully I'll finish it sometime soon. I'm knitting it up with some Patons Wool Tweed DK, and it's actually looking kinda nice, despite the few mistakes at the bottom when I was still figuring out the pattern - couldn't be bothered frogging it back, so hopefully Dad won't notice that either!
And last but not least is the BESTEST THING EVER! One of my very close friends Cecile went to the US of A recently to get away from it all, and when she went to Disneyland, she brought back for me a LITTLE ARIEL! And her Little Flounder makes bubble-under-the-sea noises, and it's just sooooo cute! Also bought be back a Playbill from NYC, which I hope to go in October this year to actually SEE the production!
And yah, to update on my weekly challenges? Not that great. Haven't been going for runs because I've been just too tired and flat out with teaching and uni and Bombshells, which is now over. But I have been maintaining my fruit a day, and staying away from soft drinks since my one slip up with that can of Diet Coke. Haven't had Maccas since, and have been trying really hard to knit at least an hour a day... Haven't really knited for an hour today, but will do after finishing this blog entry. :D
This week's challenge? I'm only allowed to buy $5 worth of chocolate a week for the next 4 weeks at least. Today I already bought $4.40, and consumed half of it (Hershey's Cookies and Cream is soooooo good), so I should save the rest for extreme emergencies and I shouldn't buy any more this week. I thought up this challenge after I bought the chocolate going "Wow, 2 bars of chocolate and it costs $4.40 already... Chocolate can be expensive, maybe I should cut back a bit..." I know, I know, I can't believe I thought that either.
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