Got tagged.

So MissyFee tagged me, and because I'm procrastinating from my final assignment (that really shouldn't take me more than a couple of hours) I'm doing this. :P

What is your current obsession?
Knitting and yarn. I have recently bought $300 worth, and am continuing to buy things even though I'm trying to reduce my credit card debt.

What are you wearing today?
Right now I'm still in bed, wearing my pj pants that say "Little Miss Naughty" with the character of the same name, and my mum's huge jumper which she wore when she was pregnant with me. It was the 80s, so it's really daggy but warm - grey with big white bold box stripes. Very horrible, but home daggy.

What's for dinner?
Dunno yet - I went home to my parents yesterday and mum gave me a box of spring rolls, so I may cook them up for lunch/dinner.

What did you eat for your last meal?
Mum cooked me some chicken stirfry with rice and a salad. Twas yum, and it's nice having a home cooked meal from mum, even though Dad forgot to tell her I was coming and therefore didn't really cook for me. Sigh, I'm truly loved.

What's the last thing you bought?
Some Malabrigo Worsted yarn from a destash on Ravelry, 3 Twist Collective Buzz bags (one for myself, 2 I dunno, maybe sell off or give as pressies), and some yarn from Knitabulous.

What are you listening to right now?
The traffic from outside and general house mumblings from housemates.

If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
New York. I seriously can't wait til October.

Which language do you want to learn?
French, because I want to go to France and learn how to make French movies. Even though I'm not a French movie buff.

What do you love most about where you currently live?
Very close to the city, close to pubs and one of the best cafes in Sydney for breakfast, and close to everything I need.

What is your favorite colour?
Red. Then purple, blue, green. I wear a lot of black though.

What is your favorite piece of clothing in your own wardrobe?
This red coat my mother gave me. It's a scarlett red and it's a thick winter coat - I think it's wool and cashmere? Not quite sure, but looks nice and expensive and fancy shmancy.

What were you doing ten years ago?
In year 9 probably being teased by boys, trying to pass my 6th grade piano exam and just getting my braces. I was also holier than thou as I was playing the organ for my church.

Describe your personal style?
When I'm working it's modest, boring and "teacher" like. When I'm not working, it's daggy, and comfy. :D

If you had $300 now, what would you spend it on?
Paying off credit card? Nah, I'd probably go spend it either on yarn or dvds or buying myself and Mark something we'd appreciate. Like nice food.

Where would you go if you had to flee the country for tax evasion?
If the US wasn't in danger, I'd go there. Mainly because of the amount of yarn they have, and the amount of film and theatre they have there too.

What are your favorite films?
Amelie, Love Me If You Dare, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Stranger Than Fiction, Juno.

What inspires you?
Some of the kids I teach, my boyfriend, my knitting community, films and musicals.

Who's work/designs are you inspired by?
Musically: Jason Robert Brown, Bach and Mozart. Film: Michel Gondry, Jason Reitman, Marc Forster. Knitting: Yarn Harlot (blog wise), Ysolda, Brooklyn Tweed

Your favourite books?
Don't really have any... Sadly enough.

Do you collect anything?
Tickets of movies and theatre shows I've seen, and like Miss Fee - yarn and wool?

What makes you follow a blog?
The person (especially if I know them in real life), and people with knitting adventures.

What was the most enjoyable thing you did today?
Sleeping in til 10am. :D It's really the only thing I've done so far.

What's one thing you dream of doing?
Well, I have two - directing an oscar-worthy movie, and owning a yarn store.

The rules:1. Respond and rework; answer the questions on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your invention, add one more question of your own. 2. Tag eight other people.

I'm going to tag people on facebook - that way they will see this. :P

comments: 1


you want to learn french too! awesome :D