Woken up by a dream just then. Well, I heard my housemates coming home from going out tonight and that woke me up. It's now 4.42am. Don't really want to go back to sleep.
Yesterday was a horrible day for me, because everything seemed to go wrong. It started with not purchasing the Britney Tickets at the time I was supposed to, thinking it was another time. I eventually did buy the tickets, and they're fairly good, but I could've gotten better....
Then a stupid cock-up at work on my part, which costed us not only money but time and unnecessary stress at such a crucial time of the year.
That lead me to find out something I kinda sensed would happen but did not want to happen. This devastated me the most, I guess.
Then coming home to check my email, and receiving one from my father who seemed upset.
So I cried myself to sleep. And had a dream which just reflected what happened if I overanalyse it and look at it metaphorically. If the dream was any indication of what's to come, then I really shouldn't get my hopes up and basically try to move on as soon as I can.
I'm really busy tomorrow, so hopefully I shall be able to distract myself for a period of time. Life, when it's good, is awesome. When it sucks, it sucks big time.
Sorry for such an emo post, and having had not posted for quite some time, this ain't a great one to start it off again.
New web-goddess theme!
3 months ago
comments: 3
Ness, I wish I could make what is happening less shitty, easier or at least faster.
Hang in there it will take some time to sort out.
I am with JP
hope your audition goes well today - remember to breath and that you are wonderful!!!!
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