And I has a widdle cold, so I'm lying in bed, surfing the nets. Wondering whether I should be a good Catholic girl and go to Mass or not - I kinda don't want to, even though the church is 2 minutes walking distance. Seriously, I'm that lazy.
Anyhowsen, thanks to Twitter and Perez Hilton, I came across a website which rated the top 15 Cupcake Bakeries in New York. Have to check it out! So the aim of the trip to NYC is: a) visit a whole heap of yarn stores, b) to watch a whole heap of Broadway shows and c) to eat lots of cupcakes! That's all I should eat, really, whilst I'm there. Cupcakes.
And I've been following a blog Wendy Knits, and she posted a video about the health benefits of Knitting - and this is why the whole world should knit.
I shall have another little nap, see how I feel about going to church, and then I HAVE to do some work... Gar, motivation!
New web-goddess theme!
3 months ago
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