Please note: I had this as a draft for like 2 weeks because I either didn't have time or when I did have time,
I couldn't be bothered... So yah - major update needed!
I couldn't be bothered... So yah - major update needed!
It's been a while since I blogged - so long that I forgot what I initially was going to talk about.
Easter came and went. My cousins from Dubbo were in town, and I took them out to see Monsters vs Aliens in 3D with my little brother Tony (who's not that little anymore) . It was okay. Celyna had her baptism on Easter Sunday, and she is very cute, and unfortunately the jumper I knitted for her is on the small side, but I shall knit up a dress which will hopefully be appreciated and will not be too small either. Mark got to meet my extended family, including my cousins that are my age (there's my age, and then there's the next level of cousins who are a little younger than Tony's age, so around 8-12 years old and Tony's 14).
Oh yes. My purchases. The multitude of unnecessary purchases. That was what I was initially going to blog about.
The Vintage Fair was held a couple of weeks ago mid April, and may I say that it was awesome! Lots of things in which I look at and go "awwww, want!" but restrained myself. Including a bowler hat! But I did buy 2 hats, a pair of earrings and 2 buttons on the first night (Friday night) when I went with Cecile and Kath, and some fabric when I went on Sunday (final night) with Carylyn.
After the Vintage Fair on Sunday, I dropped Caryl home after we had a catch up over lunch (sushi trains are awesome!), and went to Leichardt for the 2MBS fm Book and Music Bazaar. Bought Bartok for children, an early 20th century manual on how to be a piano teacher (it seems fairly outdated), and this interesting book on "How to Write a Movie in 21 Days". I'm actually tempted to take 3 weeks of my 6 week school holiday break at the end of the year and see if I can churn out a script! I kinda have an idea in mind - possibly something semi-biographical, but I'll see what happens! I also bought a stack of Broadway Musical recordings that were like $3.50 to $5 each. :D I was one happy camper, and all for a good cause.
I also bought quite a bit of yarn over the weeks. School holiday is dangerous because I end up wasting time online and just buying, buying, buying. Bought some Opal sock yarn, and some Knit Picks sock yarn and a couple of sock knitting books to start the sock addictions that all my other knitting friends have. My friend Birch brought my stuff over from the US since Knit Picks doesn't deliver to Australia, so I actually bought it a couple of weeks ago, but I finally got it after camp. Woot!
But the best part of the holidays was knitting camp over at Mt Keira in Wollongong. C R K Daisy Designs were the hosts of the event at the Scout Camp, and they were all so friendly and hospitible. It was just heaps of fun! I went down with Margarita driving myself, Jane and Lee, and shared a cabin with Kris, Fee, Lyn, Gemma, Kelly and Jody. Met heaps of Ravellers there - and I must admit I don't remember all their names, but they were all so friendly and cool! Lots of gossiping were had, and lots of wine and champagne and wine and alochol and wine.... I got a bit sick at one point. :P
One thing I forgot to do was bring my camera, so I didn't take any photos (and there were quite a few opportune times to take a wanky SLR photo). Participated in the dying workshop and dyed my 14ply yarn I had in my stash cupboard, and did the beanie contest - the quickest person knitted up a beanie in 1 hour and 15 minutes, the next person in 1 hour and 20 minutes. Jody knitted hers in 2 hours, and mine was 2 and a half, which I think is not too bad, considering some finished later on in the night! Played Trivia and I was on the losing team with Donna, which meant that I got lots of free yarn - odd balls here and there, which is fine by me, good to make random stuff with. :D
It was a great weekend away - leaving on the Friday and then coming back on the Sunday afternoon. All it was was knitting. And there wasn't the internet to distract me from the knitting, and I managed to get a bit done, despite my slowness.
And about a week and a half ago I bought my mum's Mother's Day present. I took a bus from uni to the city to go to M&S's SnB, and the bus stopped in front of David Jones. So I thought - might as well buy something for mum. I must have had the "Hmmm, wandering, pondering, I think I may buy a perfume" and got bombarded with 10 different fragrances all at once. Eventually I bought my mother a Hermes gift pack, and bought myself Versace Versences. :D I love perfume, and for me it's an at least once a year indulgence.
To finish off the line of purchases, I won a spinning wheel on eBay. Woo! Need to pick it up now. :D
There was also a point where I got into a sewing frenzy and sewn myself a straight knitting needles case. It has dodgy sewing...
And Mark also bought an amp in an attempt to make a voice box for Med Revue - but it didn't quite work. But look what was on the box!
You know it's been cheaply Asian made when the spelling is wrong...
So I was hoping that May would be the month of not spending much - but le sigh, I'm bidding on a clothes dryer on eBay - only because the weather's been so shite I can't do my laundry without the clothes getting rained on 3 days in a row!
Until next time peeps, happy spending! :D And knitting. And procrastinating. And more spending...
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