My little brother slept through A Steady Rain... He found it boring. It was also his first ever experience watching a "play" as opposed to a musical. I realised that all the shows he's seen with either me or my family have all been musicals, so in a sense he was spoilt that his first ever straight play was with two top actors, and he found it boring.
Hair, on the other hand, was AMAZING!!! It was very interactive, with the ensemble going out to the audience dancing and protesting and what not. And the best thing in the end was that they invited the audience to come up and DANCE!!! So basically I could officially say I danced and sang on Broadway!!!
Another awesome aspect about Hair was that the band was onstage, and the MD was awesome - she dressed up all hippy like and everything, and even participated in one of the songs, and at the end when I was on stage I asked for a photo. Alas, the quality wasn't great, because as soon as someone took the photo, the lights went down - but it has a trippy effect to it!
She was just as a performer as the cast on stage, and I was reminiscing of the times when I was in City of Angels and I realised that everyone could see me, so I had to "perform" my conducting as well! :D
Unfortunately (and kinda fortunately) I've decided not to go to WEBS... Mainly because after my little brother sleeping through A Steady Rain, he felt a bit grumpy because we've been doing a lot of things that I wanted to do. So instead we have tickets to see Shrek (which is more up his alley) and tomorrow we're spending the day at Centennial Park and Ground Zero and seeing the Statue of Liberty.
HOWEVER - I did go to School Products... And omg the yarngasm... So much cashmere I couldn't comprehend it all! I touched a $55 ball of cashmere bulky yarn, and almost cried. And the colours!!!! It was only merino, but the colours were AMAZING...
I bought some Donegal Tweed which I think is also Cashmere, because it was marked down from $50 to $20 per skein, and bought 8 balls of the aurora 8 Karabella Yarn, which is 100% merino. In the picture above, it's the third from the bottom right. Going to try and catch some more yarn stores on Friday and Saturday, but I'm spending WAYYYYY too much money already.
Oh and I also visited the Disney Store, and Tony and I had too much fun. There was a place where you can bring home your own Mr Potato Head in a box, and fit as many parts as you can for $19.95. Tony did Buzz Lightyear and the Incredibles, and I did Little Mermaid and the Mad Hatter...
We did so much today, I could go on forever... But I can say that I need more than just 6 days in New York... It's too crazy here and so much to dooooooo!!!!
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